Just ten

I spent a while debating if I should sign up for a challenge this month. At first, I dismissed it. On second thoughts, the obvious yet mundane challenge that came to mind was: doing less(er) or learning to be comfortable with doing less. However, the longer I thought about it, the stronger I felt about … Continue reading Just ten

Part 1: Why are we really going back to the office?

We’re living in the midst of a perfect storm. With the bank bailouts, focus on optimization and tech layoffs, job security has gone out the window. Organizations are pulling employees back into the office, hard won work life balance is being put to test and all of this while we’re still re-evaluating our relationship with … Continue reading Part 1: Why are we really going back to the office?

Slow down

My prevailing emotion at this moment is exhaustion. Work’s been busy, this blog has finally come alive (after a long hiatus), HR Bandit continues to be my favorite child, I’ve kick-started work on a second podcast and am working on two other ideas that are still too nascent to share. All of this on top … Continue reading Slow down